CPD Learning Portfolio Assignment Submission 4

On the 4th of April, I attended the CPD showcase as part of the audience. Although there were many interesting and captivating presentations done by my fellow course mates from different classes, I would have to say that the best presentation would have been the presentation done by Team Meh., the team that represented my class as well and is also the team who came in second place.

Having seen their presentation twice, the team’s performance on the showcase was really impressive as compared to the previous times they presented. All the team members looked confident and professional and they all had a good pace in terms of  speed, tone as well as good body language to back up their confidence and professionalism. The presentation was clear, concise and I found the “BLESS” framework useful and easy to apply in terms of trying to manage my emotions when doing stressful work. Their slides were well-designed and complimented really well to the theme they were presenting. Furthermore, the team managed to deliver a great presentation despite them feeling pressured and nervous since the start of the showcase.

From the team’s presentation, it can be observed that they have rehearsed really hard and has brought to the showcase the best presentation the audience have seen. This can be observed based on the team coming in second place, which is decided by the most number of votes given by the audience, which consists of over 200 students. From this, it can be seen that the team was the most popular team to win among the audience and it was because they have done an amazing job at delivering their presentation. Their confidence coupled with their good teamwork, in my opinion, was the factor which drew the audiences’ attention, making them the most popular team.




Commented on: Zandy, Wei Keong, Sze Min

CPD Learning Portfolio Assignment Submission 3

An interpersonal communication issue I have encountered happened  during my internship in butler services, I had a VIP guest who requested for plasters to be sent to his room. Because plasters were a housekeeping item, I asked the command center to send for a request to the housekeepers for the plaster to be delivered immediately. After an hour, I got called by my supervisor to enter the guests room and the both of us got scolded by the guest. I found out that there was a miscommunication between me and the command center personnel. No plaster was delivered and the guest was really angry about it as he suffered many cuts. I got into a lot of trouble with the guest and also my superiors and I was given a warning letter at the end.

The root cause of this issue would be that the command center could have been confused as it was the hub where all requests are sent to. Another would be my complacency as I could approach the housekeepers on my own for the item. My motivation was to get the simple request taken care of so that I could service other guests. The motivation of my guest would probably to cover up all his cards quickly.

I felt that regarding this issue, it was because I thought nothing of the requests, I left it to the command center, which may have been missed by them as the command center receives many request from both staff and guests. If I had not left it to the command center and went to handle it on my own, the situation could have well been avoided. Communication is important especially during work and good communication should always be enforced such that work can be done efficiently.




Commented on: Maggie, Sze Min, Zandy


CPD Learning Portfolio Assignment Submission 2

Marina Bay Sands

10 Bayfront Avenue

Singapore, 018956


Dear Mrs Goldstein,

Thank you so much for your feedback and for choosing Marina Bay Sands. Upon reviewing your feedback, we would like to extend our deepest apologies for the trouble you have experienced during your stay at Marina Bay Sands. Regarding your complaint concerning the miscommunication during breakfast, we regret to inform you that due to the nature of our operations, our staff were not informed and trained in handling reservations made by a third party booking site. Nonetheless, we would like to take full responsibility regarding the dissatisfaction you had experienced in our hotel and we would like to offer you a free room upgrade on your next stay with us at Marina Bay Sands as a gesture of apology. Likewise, we would plan in training for our staff regarding bookings on third party sites such that incidents like these will not happen ever again.

Another issue you have informed us would be the key to the roof top pool malfunctioning. We deeply apologise for the unpleasant experience caused by this incident. Measures are currently planned and executed regarding this issue such as providing the guests with multiple keys such that they would have spares should one of their keys malfunction or de-magnetises. Similarly, we would like to rectify this ordeal you have went through by providing you with vouchers to our poolside restaurant during your next stay with us at Marina Bay Sands.

Once again, we understand that the experience you had at Marina Bay sands had been a terrible experience and would like to invite you back for another stay with us so that we may rectify the unpleasant experience you had during your previous stay with us. We look forward to hearing again from you soon.


Yours Sincerely

Ang Zhong Jun

Guest Service Agent





Commented on: Wei Keong, Sze Min, Zandy



CPD Learning Portfolio Assignment Submission 1 (Ready for comments)

To: Ms Lim Lay Hoon

From: Ang Zhong Jun

Date: 16/1/2018

Subject: Formal Email Self-Introduction


Dear Ms Lim,

This email is an introduction about my past experiences and education. Included will also be my strength and weakness when it comes to communication as well as two goals I hope to achieve at the end of this module.

Currently a year 2 student at Singapore Institute of Technology in the hospitality business course, I was once a student at Singapore Polytechnic under the course of Diploma in Hotel and Leisure facilities management. I became interested in the field of hospitality during my polytechnic days and decided to pick a similar course in university. In the year 2013, I was an intern at Marina Bay Sands under Butler services. I felt that my internship was the most appropriate as I had learnt a lot about hotel operations during my internship and met many different types of people making it a memorable experience.

When it comes to communication, being direct would be my strength as communicating this way helps getting my message across faster and clearer. My weakness would be that I speak too fast and people often find it hard to understand what I am saying, which has been a problem on several occasions.

Two goals that I wish to achieve would be that first I would like to become more confident in communicating with huge groups as I still feel pressured when speaking to crowds. Another goal would be that I want to learn to communicate more professionally as I would need that skill in the future.

Thank you so much for reading this email and I look forward with working with you in the coming weeks.

Yours Sincerely,

Ang Zhong Jun